Using Stones During the Corona Virus Pandemic

Within a matter of a few weeks, our world has completely changed as a result of the corona virus. We are now sheltering in place, trying to keep ourselves and loved ones safe. We are washing our hands constantly. People are donning masks and gloves to go get essentials like food and medication. All of those things are beneficial. But there is more to staying healthy than barriers and disinfectant. We need to support our beautiful, built in system that keeps us healthy..our immune system.

We all know about ways to keep our immune system healthy. Eat the right foods, get enough rest, take the proper supplements. But what about the impact that our emotions have on this brilliant system? What role do they play? Well, they play a very big roll. The wide spread fear and panic that we are experiencing is taking its toll on our well being. The minute by minute death toll, the constant barrage of statistics and percentages of how bad the world is, it all has an affect on how we feel. I’m not saying that what is going on right now isn’t horrible. It is. But we need to find ways to help our bodies stay healthy, and attending to our emotions is an important part. 

And this is where the wonderful world of crystals and minerals can benefit us. Different stones can help us with a variety of ways to enhance our wellbeing. Here are a few examples:


This is so important right now. We are spending a lot of time in our heads worrying, think, think, thinking, spinning, stressing. A great way to combat this is to get grounded! 

Obsidian, smoky quartz or black tourmaline are great grounding and protection stones. Hold them, meditate with them, carry some in your pocket, place them under your bed or on your night table.

A quick easy to get grounded is to go outside and stand on the earth barefoot. Feel the earths energy. Feel your feet sink into the ground a bit. This gives your immune system a nice rest and recharge.

Get in your heart:

large rose quartz crystal

Since we are so heady right now, it is important that we get into our hearts. Getting into that place of love and compassion is a serious immunity booster. It kicks fear and worry to the curb, where they belong. They don’t do anything except exhaust us so let them go!

Rose quartz, aventurine, emerald, rhodochrosite, pink or green tourmaline are all wonderful stones to help you make that journey from head to heart. Have them on your body as much as possible. When you hold them, say, “I am choosing to stay in my heart. I am choosing love.” Or come up with your own phrase that will reinforce you choosing to stay out of fear.

Support your physical vitality:

Everything that is going on right now can zap our vitality. Worry and stress are exhausting! And our immune systems need all the energy they can get right now.

Quartz crystals, red jasper, ruby, red aventurine are all good stones for our physical vitality. Carry some in your pocket, or wear them in jewelry if you have them.

Give your third chakra a little love:

Your third chakra is in the area of your abdomen near your belly button. This chakra governs a lot! Think of how many organs are in your abdomen and you get the idea. It is the area where we hang on to stress, fear, worry, anger. It can be an intense area! A lot of people are having digestion issues right now. Want to guess why? Emotions affect the physical.

Citrine Crystal

Citrine, heliodor (golden beryl), topaz, quartz are some stones that help support this very busy chakra. Citrine is my favorite. Hold the stones, place them on your abdomen, wear them if possible. Take some nice deep belly breaths throughout the day, stretching your belly out, letting the fear and angst go with each exhale.

These suggested stones are just that, suggestions. Use your intuition and see what stones you are drawn to right now. You may be drawn to hold a smoky quartz to your abdomen, or to wear blue lace agate or amethyst. Go with what you are drawn to. Your body knows what it wants and what it needs. It is time we pay attention and trust those messages it gives us. 

Don’t forget to keep your stones energetically clean and clear. You can read our blog post for more information. They are working hard right now so let’s help them out.

By Charli Lundholm

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